Some of the best quotes about age. Mention your favourite one in comments.
1. "Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. Cheers to you!" — Unknown
2. "Old age is like climbing a mountain. The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become, but your views become more extensive." — Ingmar Bergman
3. "Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough." — Groucho Marx
4. "The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." — H.L. Mencken
5. "The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm." — Aldous Huxley
6. "No one is so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm." — Henry David Thoreau
7. "Old age is no place for sissies." — Bette Davis
8. "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age." — Victor Hugo
9. "Youth has no age." — Pablo Picasso
10. "To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent—that is to triumph over old age." — Thomas Bailey Aldrich
11. "Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter." — Satchel Paige
12. "Old age comes at a bad time." — San Banducci
13. "Old age is always fifteen years older than I am." — Oliver Wendell Holmes
14. "The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been." — Madeleine L’Engle
15. "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." — Sophia Loren
16. "Aging is just another word for living." — Anonymous
17. "The years teach much which the days never know." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
18. "Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new." — Sammy Hagar
19. "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm." — Henry David Thoreau
20. "To grow old is to pass from passion to compassion." — Albert Camus